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Monday, May 28, 2012

Confirmed Class 1, Miami, USA

It's all over the news, probably the most public attack of this kind we've seen in a long time. First thing of note here is that reports are all over the place. Some reports say both men were naked, some say multiple officers were on site, no one agrees where the bullets actually hit on the body, different accounts on what the two men were doing prior to one of them eating the other's face. Be here's what we know for sure:

Police in Miami found a naked man crewing on another man's face. Police verbaling warned the man to which he responded with "growling" and continued eating. Police shot the man once, he didn't even seem to notice. Police continued to fire until the man died. Those are the facts.

Now what else is interesting? The wounded man was "eventually taken to Jackson Memorial Hospital" but the videos that have been leaked through the internet show paramedics completely avoiding the wounded man well after the attacker has been killed.

Not too odd that police have taken all recording and surveillance devices in the area but only certain videos of the event are still being allowed to be posted or kept online. Also both men are claimed to be homeless and their identities are not being released. The names of the paramedics and other onsite staff are also being withheld.

Finally, police are trying to say this is a fairly normal case when it obviously is not. Saying the naked man was suffering from "cocaine psychosis" and they face cases like this all the time where LCD is claimed to the cause.

I could find no further evidence of what became of the man who had been attacked.

UPDATE: the man attacked is currently in hospital police say and the community is raising funds to rebuild his face. But more importantly there were no drugs found in the attackers system besides marijuana. Last I checked marijuana doesn't turn normal people into pain-immune cannibals. Something else is definitely going on.

Details Breakdown-
Location: Miami, USA
Time: May 26, 2012
Infected: 2
Response: Local
Media Coverage: High but contained

My suggestion: To me this appears very clearly to be an attack that got public to widely and too quickly so cocaine and LCD are a quick cover-up. If you live in the Miami area be extremely cautious.  If this is truly a cover of some sort than similar events have definitely occurred before and may well again.

Stay vigilant, may the infection never reach you, and those close to you have the resolve to do what is needed should you be so unfortunate,Mike D.

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